Collaboration & Proofing Workflows
Streamline your Creative Workflows
Plan your marketing real estate with ease. Set up custom production workflows and keep all your content productions under control with our multi-stakeholder visual proofing.
Customize to your needs
Relayter allows you to set up fully customized creative production workflows for each content and publication type.
For instance, designing in-store POS materials requires a different workflow than the creation of a promotions magazine. With roles, rights, groups and steps, there is an endless possibility to create the perfect workflow for each project. And you are able to reuse them any time. Production workflows in Relayter can structure and streamline your team’s work, by pre-defining who does what, at which step in the process.
The workflow also provides a clear overview of where each creative asset is within the production process. Making sure you only work on what has to be done. Whether you are planning a retail campaign or product promotion, you can make sure the right person, does the right task, at the right time. This way you Keep control of your marketing productions and win back valuable time.
Review & Proof creative work
With our review and proofing tools you can check creative design work that has either been automatically generated, manually designed or edited in a previous workflow step.
You can create as many review and proofing steps as you would like. Making it possible to do a multi tier sign-off between different departments. Our review and proofing tools provide you with an easy overview of the creative work. To annotate on the creative work, just click wherever you want to create a review note, and enter the feedback for your team mates and colleagues to share. Depending on your workflow settings, the correct team members receive a notification of the review notes. Changes can then be made and directly send back to the reviewer for proofing. Making it easy to iterate and improve until all your creative assets are done.
Commercial layout planning
To make sure marketing meets commercial business needs, you need granular control of your creative real estate.
Whether you are selling retail marketing-space to suppliers or need to prioritize product promotions. With Relayter you have full control over layout before any design work is done. Every module in Relayter is fully integrated with each other. So by loading in your data briefing, it is possible to do an automatic or manual planning of your brochures, magazines, catalogs, folders or banners, before fine tuning it by your design department or agency.
You can easily prepare how your template grids are filled before you start an automatic design generation. Or make sure that the correct products and promotions are assigned to the right space within your templates. And if you are not sure, just add multiple review and proofing steps to your workflow. This way you can iterate on your layout planning, collaborate with team mates, and automatically generate creative work that uses the correct data.
Workflow notifications
With each step in the marketing production process, there are tasks at hand. By setting up notifications, your workflows can make life a lot easier.
Fore instance, you want to make sure that pre-generated artwork is picked up by the creative department or your agency when they are ready. Or that someone edits the right design files when a review and proofing of the creative work has been done. With the right setup of roles, groups and notifications, we make sure your team stays on course. And your marketing productions run on time.
How to use workflows and proofing in Relayter
Manage campaign or project data by importing products and promotions. Set up smart design templates and create proofing workflows. Then streamline your complete marketing production with creative automations.
Need better production workflows and creative proofing?
Relayter is a leading SaaS provider of omnichannel Automated Design and Proofing Workflow management within large marketing productions. Request a FREE DEMO from one of our Design Automation experts to discover why so many companies use Relayter.